A Dream come true

The journey towards freedom is seldom an effortless one. Truly, the most noble and honorable way is by dedicating oneself to hard work and consistently providing a service of genuine value to others.

“It wasn’t easy to learn the skills needed to set up a store like this, but it sure was fun. I truly hope you enjoy my story.”
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Yousef Burhama

Al-Asimah, Kuwait

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the photos?

Telling a story

People often warn me about juggling too many tasks. I see things differently, thanks to Khaldiya Park.

When work gets too much, I head to Khaldiya Skatepark to reset. A few hours there, and I’m back in action. I think it’s important to share that every online business has its challenges, just like mine.

The park has a skate area and a basketball court. The folks there are some of the friendliest I’ve met.

I took these plant photos at Khalidya’s Public Park. That’s something I really enjoy doing and it’s usually relaxing enough to put me back in the mindset to serve customers like you!


Our History

Created By patience and perseverance

At first we only sold skateboards becasue that’s all we knew. Once the logistics and supplychains were figured out we branched out into selling T-shirts.

Now we are proud to say that we are constantly adding new and exciting products to our retail line-up.

It all started with taking pictures like the one below at our beloved Khaldiya Public Skatepark.

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Sep 23, 2021
  • Instagram Sales + Content Creation

Selling Skateboards and making videos while building a viable logistical solution for e-commerce; one that can handle a large quantity of orders while opperate globally.

mar 27, 2022
  • Officially A Registered Company!

“SHUF CO for Wholesale and Retail Trade” is finally legit on all accounts 🙂 After just over a year of hard work, the company has been approved and regitered. Now we have a chance to compete.

May 25, 2022
  • Support From The Government

Kuwait offers subsidies for all Kuwaiti Employees. This enabled us to build this project full time and dedicate more resources into ensuring valued customer satisfaction.

What’s next? Only time will tell, but regardless of how unsure the future may be the past has been set in stone thanks to the Kuwait Skate Community. As we expand into new territories we hope to stay true to the sentiment that skateboarding creates, that is, one more try.


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